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JavaTM 2 SDK
Documentation Contents |
Each of the development tools comes in a Microsoft Windows version (Windows) and a Solaris or Linux version. There is virtually no difference in features between versions. However, there are minor differences in configuration and usage to accommodate the special requirements of each operating system. (For example, the way you specify directory separators depends on the OS.)
The following documents contain important information you will need to know to get the most out of the SDK tools.
- SDK File Structure
[Solaris] [Linux] [Windows]
- Setting the Classpath
[Solaris and Linux] [Windows]
- How Classes are Found
[Solaris, Linux and Windows]
- Tool Changes in Java 2 SDK, v1.4
[Solaris, Linux and Windows]
The sections below provide a brief introduction to the tools in the Java 2 SDK, with links to their reference pages:
- Basic Tools (javac, java, javadoc, appletviewer, jar, jdb, javah, javap, extcheck)
- Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Tools (rmic, rmiregistry, rmid, serialver)
- Internationalization Tools (native2ascii)
- Security Tools (keytool, jarsigner, policytool, kinit, klist, ktab)
- Java IDL and RMI-IIOP Tools (tnameserv, idlj, orbd, servertool)
- Java Plug-inTM Tools
Tool Name | Brief Description | Links to Reference Pages |
javac | The compiler for the Java programming language. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
java | The launcher for Java applications. In this
release, a single launcher is used both for development and deployment. The old deployment launcher, jre, is no longer provided. |
[Solaris] [Linux] [Windows] |
javadoc | API documentation generator. For links to Javadoc enhancements, Doclet API, Taglet API, doclets and more, see the Javadoc Tool Page | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
appletviewer | Run and debug applets without a web browser. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
jar | Manage Java Archive (JAR) files. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
jdb | The Java Debugger. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
javah | C header and stub generator. Used to write native methods. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
javap | Class file disassembler | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
extcheck | Utility to detect Jar conflicts. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
Tool Name | Brief Description | Links to Reference Pages |
rmic | Generate stubs and skeletons for remote objects. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
rmiregistry | Remote object registry service. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
rmid | RMI activation system daemon. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
serialver | Return class serialVersionUID. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
Tool Name | Brief Description | Links to Reference Pages |
native2ascii | Convert text to Unicode Latin-1. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
Tool Name | Brief Description | Links to Reference Pages |
keytool | Manage keystores and certificates. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
jarsigner | Generate and verify JAR signatures. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
policytool | GUI tool for managing policy files. | [Solaris and Linux] [Windows] |
These security tools help you obtain, list, and manage Kerberos tickets.
Tool Name | Brief Description | Links to Reference Pages |
kinit | Tool for obtaining Kerberos v5 tickets. Equivalent functionality is available on the Solaris operating environment via the kinit tool. For example, for Solaris 8, see the kinit reference page. | [Linux] [Windows] |
klist | Command-line tool to list entries in credential cache and key tab. Equivalent functionality is available on the Solaris operating environment via the klist tool. For example, for Solaris 8, see the klist reference page. | [Linux] [Windows] |
ktab | Command-line tool to help the user manage entires in the key table. Equivalent functionality is available on the Solaris operating environment via the kadmin tool. For example, for Solaris 8, see the kadmin reference page. | [Linux] [Windows] |
Tool Name with
Reference Links |
Brief Description |
tnameserv | Provides access to the naming service. |
idlj | Generates .java files that map an OMG IDL interface and enable an application written in the Java programming language to use CORBA functionality. |
orbd | Provides support for clients to transparently locate and invoke persistent objects on servers in the CORBA environment. ORBD is used instead of the Transient Naming Service, tnameserv. ORBD includes both a Transient Naming Service and a Persistent Naming Service. The orbd tool incorporates the functionality of a Server Manager, an Interoperable Naming Service, and a Bootstrap Name Server. When used in conjunction with the servertool, the Server Manager locates, registers, and activates a server when a client wants to access the server. |
servertool | Provides ease-of-use interface for the application programmers to register, unregister, startup, and shutdown a server. |
Tool Name | Brief Description with Links to Reference Pages |
unregbean | Unregisters a packaged JavaBeans component over ActiveX. Unregbean is described on the Java Plug-in Scripting document on the web site. |
Copyright © 2003, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |
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