appletviewer - The Java Applet Viewer

The appletviewer command allows you to run applets outside of the context of a World-Wide Web browser.


appletviewer [ options ] urls ...


The appletviewer command connects to the documents or resources designated by urls and displays each applet referenced by the documents in its own window. Note: if the documents referred to by urls do not reference any applets with the OBJECT, EMBED, or APPLET tag, then appletviewer does nothing. For details on the HTML tags that appletviewer supports, see AppletViewer Tags.

The Java 2 SDK contains two implementations of the Java virtual machine.

The Java HotSpotTM Client VM
The Java HotSpot Client VM is the default virtual machine. Its use of Java HotSpot technology gives it superior performance as compared with the Classic VM. Unless special command-line options are used to invoke the Classic VM instead (see below), appletviewer will always launch an applet to run on the Client VM.

The Java 2 Classic VM
The Java 2 Classic VM is essentially the same virtual machine implementation as in version 1.2 of the Java 2 SDK. It may be invoked by using the -classic command-line option, as in this example:

appletviewer -classic MyApplet.html


Starts the applet viewer in the Java debugger, jdb, thus allowing you to debug the applets in the document.

-encoding   encoding name
Specifies the input HTML file encoding name.

Passes through the string javaoption as a single argument to the Java interpreter which runs the appletviewer. The argument should not contain spaces. Multiple argument words must all begin with the prefix -J, which is stripped. This is useful for adjusting the compiler's execution environment or memory usage.

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