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JavaTM Print Service Glossary


a description of: a capability of a print service, a charactaristic of a doc, an instruction for processing a doc or an entire print job, or the state of a print job or printer.

attribute category

the name of the attribute without its range of values. The Java Print Service represents the attribute category with a class, such as the OrientationRequested class. An instance of an attribute class, such as an OrientationRequested object, is an attribute value.

attribute set

an attribute collection that usually is restricted to contain only a certain kind of attribute. The Java Print Service defines a superinterface for all attribute sets called AttributeSet and an interface for each kind of attribute set. The kinds of attribute sets are: doc attribute set, print request attribute set, print job attribute set, and print service attribute set.

attribute value

one of the range of values that an attribute supports. The Java Print Service represents each supported attribute with one of the attribute classes, such as the OrientationRequested class. The class itself is the attribute category. An instance of the class, such as an OrientationRequested object, is the attribute value. The term attribute often refers to the attribute value because the value of an attribute implies the attribute itself.


a piece of print data. the Java Print Service uses the Doc interface to represent a piece of print data.

doc attribute

an attribute that specifies a characteristic of an individual document and the print job settings to be applied to an individual document.

doc attribute set

a collection of attributes that is restricted to only contain doc attributes.

doc flavor

a document type. The Java Print Service uses the DocFlavor class to represent a document type. A DocFlavor object encapsulates a String representing a MIME type, which indicates the format of the document, and a String representing a Java class, such as "", that indicates how the document is sent to the printer.

hash attribute set

an attribute set that can contain different kinds of attributes. The Java Print Service represents this attribute set with the HashAttributeSet class, which implements AttributeSet.

print job

a submitted print request, which includes one or more pieces of print data and a set of processing instructions. The Java Print Service represents a print job with the DocPrintJob object, which is obtained from a print service.

print job attribute

an attribute that reports the status of a print job. A client usually does not specify these attributes since these attributes describe the print job after the client has submitted it. To specify settings for a whole print job, the client instead uses the print request attributes.

print job attribute set

a collection of attributes that is restricted to only contain print job attributes.

print request

an unsubmitted print job.

print request attribute

an attribute that specifies a setting applied to a whole print job and to all the documents in the print job.

print request attribute set

a collection of attributes that is restricted to only contain print request attributes.

print service

an interface that represents a particular printer and is a factory for print jobs.

print service attribute

an attribute that describes a printer. An example of such an attribute is one that describes the printer's location.

print service attribute set

a collection of attributes that is restricted to only contain print service attributes.

print-service lookup

the action of attempting to locate a set of print services representing printers that can print a given set of print data according to a given set of processing instructions. A client uses the PrintServiceLookup class to perform this action.

stream print service

a print service that prints data to a client-provided output stream.

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