Uses of Class

Uses of JPEGHuffmanTable in com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

Fields in com.sun.image.codec.jpeg declared as JPEGHuffmanTable
static JPEGHuffmanTable JPEGHuffmanTable.StdDCLuminance
          Standard Huffman table ( JPEG standard section K.3 )
static JPEGHuffmanTable JPEGHuffmanTable.StdDCChrominance
          Standard Huffman table ( JPEG standard section K.3 )
static JPEGHuffmanTable JPEGHuffmanTable.StdACLuminance
          Standard Huffman table ( JPEG standard section K.3 )
static JPEGHuffmanTable JPEGHuffmanTable.StdACChrominance
          Standard Huffman table ( JPEG standard section K.3 )

Methods in com.sun.image.codec.jpeg that return JPEGHuffmanTable
 JPEGHuffmanTable JPEGDecodeParam.getDCHuffmanTable(int tableNum)
          Returns the DC Huffman coding table requested or null if not defined
 JPEGHuffmanTable JPEGDecodeParam.getDCHuffmanTableForComponent(int component)
          Returns the DC Huffman coding table for the requested component.
 JPEGHuffmanTable JPEGDecodeParam.getACHuffmanTable(int tableNum)
          Returns the AC Huffman coding table requested or null if not defined
 JPEGHuffmanTable JPEGDecodeParam.getACHuffmanTableForComponent(int component)
          Returns the AC Huffman coding table for the requested component.

Methods in com.sun.image.codec.jpeg with parameters of type JPEGHuffmanTable
 void JPEGEncodeParam.setDCHuffmanTable(int tableNum, JPEGHuffmanTable huffTable)
          Sets the DC Huffman coding table at index to the table provided.
 void JPEGEncodeParam.setACHuffmanTable(int tableNum, JPEGHuffmanTable huffTable)
          Sets the AC Huffman coding table at index to the table provided.

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