Example Applications

Below are two application examples:

Bound Properties

This application consists of an ActiveX container with two beans packaged as ActiveX controls: BoundPropTest, a JavaBeans button; and the JellyBean bean. The applications works because the button is registered as a listener with JellyBean. Every time the JellyBean is clicked, the button receives notification and code is called that changes the text on the button. The resources for this application—boundprop.exe, BoundPropTest.dll, and JellyBean.dll—can be obtained from the zip file, boundprop.zip, should you care to set up the application and run it.

To run the application on your computer, copy BoundPropTest.dll and JellyBean.dll to <jre_home>\axbridge\bin on your computer. Register both .dll files with regsvr32.exe. Then execute boundprop.exe. You should see the following:



The Calendar application is similar. It consists of an ActiveX container with an ActiveX control calendar and a JavaBean calendar. In this application, both components are registered with each other as listeners. Changes in one calendar are reflected in the other via change notification. Resources for this application—cal.exe and JCalendarPanel.dll—can be obtained from the zip file, cal.zip, should you care to set up the application and run it. (Copy JCalendarPanel.dll to <jre_home>\axbridge\bin and register it; then execute cal.exe. You should see the following.